Friday, July 13, 2012

Coral Couture

Hello to all who might be reading this!  I am still in Gainesville.  Just about done boxing everything up for next weekends move.  It's raining today and I'm happy to say I've been running around returning items I never used and I've made about $100!  And... I'm swing dancing tonight!!!  So excited!  

Now before I get to today's post let me tell you about the amazing khaki pants Jenna and I found at the Gap last night.  $11.  Yes.  $11.  Go now before the sale ends or before they run out because they fit great, feel nice and are perfect for any wear. (I needed them for London trip!)  Here's the link.

Now, let's talk about my second favorite color of the summer.  CORAL.

1. Nail polish:  Essie's Tart Deco

2. Fashion:  I love this outfit.  From the top to the coral chiffon shorts to the lilac and gold heels.  If anyone knows who makes those heels please let me know ASAP.  I couldn't find the shorts either so here is my next favorite pair that actually exist from Free People (link).

Other outfit combos I love...

DIY:  Here is the dress I hope to make soon (I also need an occasion for it.) (Pattern). And here is another ruffle cake like the one I made only with coral icing.  Love it.

For the home:  Love love love Southern Livings May 2012 cover room.  Punches of coral and bright colors and prints make it fabulous!!!  And I love this idea.  Paint the inside of a bookcase for a pop of color! (And in coral of course.)  And the final touch?  My (hopefully) next bedding set from Trina Turk for Macy's! (link)

9 days till LONDON!!!!!!


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Hand and Foot

I am back in Gainesville for the week with my favorite girl friends!!!  How did I spend my first night back?  Being nerdy and having tons of fun of course!  My great conversation with Jenna was something out of The Big Bang Theory. "Our conversations are like plasmids.  Sometimes they get back to the origin.  But sometimes they keep rolling and rolling and rolling..." Hahaha.  After about a 2 hour vent session we headed over to our other friend Emily's house to meet with her and Katie for our bridge club. (Yes, we are 90 years old, not in our 20s.)  The game of choice?  Hand and Foot!  Now I just recently learned this game myself and I love it!  I know you will too, so here's how to play! Enjoy!!!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Turquoise on My Mind

So I have to share my favorite color at the moment: TURQUOISE. I love it everywhere I see it. Fashion, home decorating even in baking! I hope to incorporate more turquoise into my life very soon.

1. Nails. I have really enjoyed painting my nails lately and my favorite color of the moment? Essie's Turquoise and Caicos.
2. Accessories.  I just bought this fabulous little cross-body satchel at Target for $18! (Here's the link!) It's exactly what I've been looking for to house my personal items plus my Nikon camera for my upcoming London trip.  And it's so chic with such a small price tag!  The other purse? A Coach that I hope to obtain someday.

3. Other fashions in turquoise?  I love this dress.  Don't know if it would work for my body type but I think it is so flirty and cute. (Shop here)  And of course when choosing my Otterbox replacement for my phone I chose none other than the Turquoise and Teal option.

4. Turquoise in the home might be a bold choice but when I get my own place that is exactly what I'm going to do!  Here's my inspiration, isn't it quirky but elegant?

 4. BAKING. Yes! You can incorporate turquoise into your baking!  I took the idea from this ombre rosette cake. Since it was my cousin Savannah's 9th birthday I asked her what her favorite color was.  She said turquoise! So I went to town and this is how it turned out! Happy Birthday Savannah!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

First Day, Panini and Cassata Cake

Alrighty, here we go! This is my very first day of blogging and I have butterflies in my stomach and hope in my heart! I decided to start blogging after spending about two hours on Pinterest this morning and coming to the realization that, to quote the film "Julie and Julia", "I have thoughts." I also have ideas and crafts and some fabulous recipes to share with the world. I thought I would start my blog by sharing a recipe that Mom and I decided to make for lunch. Spinach avocado pesto mozzarella goat cheese panini (recipe). Check out my photos as I cooked! 

Mine came out a bit burnt, but I like it that way!

While I'm here and on a roll with my first posting I thought I'd share a new cake recipe I learned two days ago.  It was actually my first commissioned cake for a family friend!  It's called a Cassata Cake, originating at Corbo's in Cleveland.  It is a white cake with layers of strawberries and custard and a hip cream frosting.  Of course my favorite part is the decorating so I got fancy with my new Wilton #104 tip.  Here's the recipe and here's the icing trick!

And here's the finished product!

The cake was a hit and now that my family is really jealous I'm guessing I'll be making another one soon!