Sunday, July 8, 2012

First Day, Panini and Cassata Cake

Alrighty, here we go! This is my very first day of blogging and I have butterflies in my stomach and hope in my heart! I decided to start blogging after spending about two hours on Pinterest this morning and coming to the realization that, to quote the film "Julie and Julia", "I have thoughts." I also have ideas and crafts and some fabulous recipes to share with the world. I thought I would start my blog by sharing a recipe that Mom and I decided to make for lunch. Spinach avocado pesto mozzarella goat cheese panini (recipe). Check out my photos as I cooked! 

Mine came out a bit burnt, but I like it that way!

While I'm here and on a roll with my first posting I thought I'd share a new cake recipe I learned two days ago.  It was actually my first commissioned cake for a family friend!  It's called a Cassata Cake, originating at Corbo's in Cleveland.  It is a white cake with layers of strawberries and custard and a hip cream frosting.  Of course my favorite part is the decorating so I got fancy with my new Wilton #104 tip.  Here's the recipe and here's the icing trick!

And here's the finished product!

The cake was a hit and now that my family is really jealous I'm guessing I'll be making another one soon!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so honored to be the first recipient of a commissioned cake!! It was, and still is, amazing. We started and ended our day with it today, so it was a perfect Sunday! =) Thank you so much, Christina!
