Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Macaron Project

Since I have this week off from school (a pseudo-summer break) I have decided to take on the task of perfecting the macaron.  My lovely friend Annie recently got married and for her honeymoon went to Paris.  As a surprise on the day of one of our finals she brought in some macarons straight from paris.  They were so delicious!  I had never had them before.  They were soft and sweet and just perfect.  I tried the raspberry, pistachio and the lavender. 

I decided that this would be my new baking extravaganza.  Macarons.  I decided to start with some basic shells with a nutella filling.  While they turned out alright I discovered I stirred the batter for too long when mixing the eggs and dry ingredients together.  Thus they came out a bit flat and very crunchy.  But still pretty tasty!  

I thought they could be better so using what ingredients I had around the apartment I made Earl Grey Macarons with Cream Cheese Icing.  And they were PERFECT.  They have a hint of tea taste and are light and fluffy and I love how the color turned out.

And so the macaron making continued and I moved onto Rosewater Buttercream Macarons.  Forgot to add the sugar till the last minute.  I knew they might turn out bad.  They taste great!  But they look odd and were a pain in the butt to get off the paper after baking.  Last time I forget the sugar while whipping the egg whites...

Then last but not least (at least for now) is the Salted Caramel Bourbon Macarons.  These required the most work but I love how they turned out.

Basic Macaron Recipe

3/4 cup ground almonds (in food processor)
1 cup powdered sugar
2 egg whites (room temp)
4 tbsp granulated sugar

1. Pulse ground almonds and powdered sugar together in the food processor
2. Whip egg whites until start to hold shape
3. Add granulated sugar gradually to egg whites while whipping
4. When egg whites hold stiff peaks add food coloring if desired
5. Add half of dry ingredients to egg whites, using about 10 strokes of rubber spatula, mix together
6. Add second half of dry ingredients and mix until incorporated and egg whites are a bit deflated but not too liquidy.
7. Transfer batter to ziplock bag.
8. Line baking pans with parchment paper and pipe cookie sized dollops of the batter onto baking sheets.
9. Tap cookie sheets on counter to level tops and let sit for 15-30min until shell forms on cookie.  Preheat oven to 350*.
10. Bake one sheet of cookies at a time for 5-7min.  Watch closely as to not burn.
11. Remove from oven and remove parchment sheet from tray about 1 min after removing from oven.  Let cool.
12. Once cool remove cookies from paper and fill with filling of choice.

Note:  Keep completed macarons refrigerated. Set out for 5 min before serving.

And enjoy!!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Gorgeous Bathroom on a College Budget

Good afternoon to all!  I love today.  It is raining cats and dogs outside.  Even though I am stuck inside studying for class and MCAT until 5pm I am greatly looking forward to getting home, slipping into some fleece with a cup of tea and enjoying this gloomy weather.  This is just the perfect weather for me!  

Before heading home this afternoon I do plan on stopping off at Target to purchase an item I've been eyeing lately.  

I first saw these gorgeous towels at Anthropologie.  But being a masters student I certainly don't have $36 to spend on a singular bath towel (no matter how tempted I am).

So I gave myself the task of finding similar towels with a more friendly price tag.  About a year ago I had seen some similar towels at a TJ Maxx.  Of course no luck upon my recent return.  Alas, after some research here's what I've found...

These adorable purple and cream ones (which would match my shower curtain perfectly) are from World Market.  $10 for a hand towel and $15 for a bath towel.  Less than half the price of the others!

Now this one comes from Target!  It comes is yellow and a nice light blue color.  $10 for a hand towel and only $13 for a bath towel!  This is why I plan on going to Target this afternoon.  To get these towels to spiffy up my bathroom a bit!

Nothing like a rainy day to inspire you to dream, to create, to imagine.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Curing Cancer One Step at a Time

Cancer is a scary word. One that frightens people, worries them, makes them sad.  Cancer kills, cancer sickens, cancer fights against us...  But for all the bad cancer is... There is HOPE.  There is HOPE that one day there will be a cure to ALL types of cancer.  There is HOPE that one day we will be able to prevent cancer in the first place.

It is once again the time of year where all of the fundraisers against cancer begin.  Relay for Life, Susan G. Komen 3-Day, etc...  As I hear of all these events I cannot help but think back to all of the Relay for Life teams that I captained and all of the great experiences and awareness that came from them.

It was a little over 3 years ago that my Pacaw went to be in the Kingdom of Heaven with our Lord.  Cancer was the cause.  My Pacaw fought so hard and defied the odds and beat the clock that was set on him the day he was diagnosed.  I miss him each and every day and I only hope to continue my personal fight against cancer for the rest of my life.

Here is my Pacaw and I at the 2008 Relay for Life...

I also wanted to share a video that a fellow classmate shared with me last week that is astounding.  It is about a new possible cure for leukemia.  Incredibly beautiful video.

I am incredibly blessed to also have the chance to work with the Children's Cancer Center here in Tampa.  I will be working with their SAIL program in which I will be teaching a musical theater class once a month.  I am extremely excited to be able to work with these amazing kids and to be able to hopefully bring a smile to their face.

Now let's go fight cancer together!!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Today is a day for Bible verses...

Today has been an off day.  So I am going to revive my soul with Jesus and go to a campus ministry tonight.  I thought I'd share some bible verses to inspire you all to have a wonderful evening as well.