Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Gorgeous Bathroom on a College Budget

Good afternoon to all!  I love today.  It is raining cats and dogs outside.  Even though I am stuck inside studying for class and MCAT until 5pm I am greatly looking forward to getting home, slipping into some fleece with a cup of tea and enjoying this gloomy weather.  This is just the perfect weather for me!  

Before heading home this afternoon I do plan on stopping off at Target to purchase an item I've been eyeing lately.  

I first saw these gorgeous towels at Anthropologie.  But being a masters student I certainly don't have $36 to spend on a singular bath towel (no matter how tempted I am).

So I gave myself the task of finding similar towels with a more friendly price tag.  About a year ago I had seen some similar towels at a TJ Maxx.  Of course no luck upon my recent return.  Alas, after some research here's what I've found...

These adorable purple and cream ones (which would match my shower curtain perfectly) are from World Market.  $10 for a hand towel and $15 for a bath towel.  Less than half the price of the others!

Now this one comes from Target!  It comes is yellow and a nice light blue color.  $10 for a hand towel and only $13 for a bath towel!  This is why I plan on going to Target this afternoon.  To get these towels to spiffy up my bathroom a bit!

Nothing like a rainy day to inspire you to dream, to create, to imagine.

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